Kris Eric
Customer feedback
1. Which products / which system did you use before Triton?
When I started reefing some 10 years ago I didn't really understand there were methods to maintaining a reef. Like many before me, I made many mistakes by mixing different methods/ways of exporting nutrients, ways of balancing major elements. I started by synthetic salt water changes 20% per week, then I switched to Natural salt water. I also tried other companies products for nutrient export as I had a heavy bio load but this just created other issues. I tried vodka dosing also. I had very low levels of success. I was like a mad scientist thinking that money and more products can solve all my problems.
2. Where were the problems or challenges?
I struggled keeping my nutrients under control even with 20% weekly water changes. Even by pre washing food, controlled feeding, My bioload was high. Nitrate and Phosphate were high. I also experienced large swings in my major elements (Alk, Cal and Mag). I was running an APEX controller with automated water testing and had very solid data that showed my swing in water parameters after water changes. I was very careful in my method of water changes, but clearly there was a difference in new water to my tank water. I experienced cyano, algae issues, dinos. I thought multiples times of throwing in the towel despite significant investment in both $ and time. I just wasn't having success.
3. How did you find out about Triton?
Triton wasn't a Method that was very popular among the folks I knew in the hobby. None of my Melbourne fish shops carried any of the Triton products and none of my mates knew anything about it. This is why it took me so long to find I found it by reading Reef2Reef one night and it just made sense to me. Algae based nutrient export, no water changes, sounded very appealing. Especially as I was trying to focus on SPS.
4. Which products are you using regularly?
I started with the Core 7 elements and now I am using the full suite of Triton products including major and minor elements. I had reconfigured my sump to a Triton sump, increased the size of my refugium, got a larger skimmer, increased the size of my return pump to make sure I filter 10X the volume.
5. How did the products improve the overall result?
Triton Method made it possible for me to stay in my hobby. Without it, I would have thrown in the towel Due to my very busy work schedule and travel. Because I took the Big Bang approach and went all in, it is difficult for me to say which product made the biggest difference. We all hear that stability is key! After I stopped water changes my data showed a significant improvement in element stability. No more swings. I started to see improvement in my nutrient levels, colouration of corals was definitely a massive improvement. My nutrients became ultra low very fast. Much lower that I could ever achieve doing water changes.
6. How satisfied are you with TRITON?
I would never go back to water changes. Triton method has changed my reefing methodology. It has turned things around for me and re-ignited my passion for reefing. I can now keep up with my busy work schedule and my reef does not suffer.
7. Would you recommend TRITON to others?
Absolutely. The proof is in the outcome. My reef is looking better than ever, it is very stable, fish and corals are thriving. I already have one mate creating his dream tank based on the Triton method and it will be an amazing tank!
8. Do you use the TRITON Method? What challenges (if any) did you have when changing over to the TRITON Method?
The biggest challenge was slowly weening off all other methods and elements without impacting the reef. Removing obsolete methods and having a single method for nutrient export, another for major elements. 3 monthly water testing. The system just works!
9. What three words best describe what TRITON does for you?
Freedom - to enjoy both my life and still have a reef
Stability - stable reef is a happy reef
Enjoyment - I can enjoy my reef guilt free knowing my animals are getting the care they need.