Stefan Rohnalter
Customer feedback
When I got into the hobby eight years ago, despite researching and gathering information on marine aquariums online, I had very little knowledge of supply systems and a stable environment that allows corals to thrive and realize their potential in terms of growth and color expression. Initially, I was haphazardly dosing various elements to solve existing problems, which of course could not be purposeful. As a result, I had huge problems with green and red cyanobacterial mats as well as dinoflagellates in the first year! A condition that nearly drove me to give up the hobby.
It wasn't until I switched to my trusted dealer (MEWA STORE), who recommended the TRITON supply system to me, and since then I have only used TRITON products or products recommended by TRITON, that my tank gradually stabilized, and I could finally enjoy the hobby and delight in the development and growth of the corals.
Besides the daily dosing of Core7, the most important tool for me is the ICP-OES, which I have performed quarterly by TRITON! Depending on the test results, I dose elements like magnesium, calcium, strontium, lithium, boron, sulfate, etc., accordingly. This keeps my water values stable and avoids too great fluctuations. In my steadily running aquarium, I measure the KH value weekly and adjust my dosing of Core7 accordingly, a procedure that brings hardly any fluctuations. With the option of ICP-OES and the resulting dosing guidelines in terms of amount and frequency, it is not important for me as an aquarist to be too well versed in water chemistry, which I find very soothing and significantly simplifies the hobby for me! Weekly, I dose iodine, which seems to be essential for my Caulastrea, as a deficiency clearly manifests itself in the polyp picture.
All in all, I can say that TRITON has paved the way for me into the hobby and serves as a guide. Since I have been running my aquariums with the TRITON method, I have had no problems with plagues like cyanos, etc., and my corals thank me with beautiful coloring, steady growth, and a healthy polyp picture! Since I have been using TRITON from the beginning, I have no comparisons to other supply systems and can only say "never change a running system"! Just a short note,... I do not operate an algae refuge as prescribed by TRITON due to lack of space, however, my system runs flawlessly!
TRITON is particularly suitable for beginners because the dosage is easily determined by the KH value and the ICP-OES and N-DOC analyses provide orientation, allowing possible problems to be detected early and counteracted with guidance!
In the first year, my corals stagnated in terms of growth. Only after dosing Core7 and with the values stabilizing, did a steady growth become noticeable!
For me, TRITON is:
- Consistently high quality of products!
- Quick comprehensive service and help with problems! Wait time for ICP-OES max. three days!
- Customer-oriented action (you get the feeling that you are taken seriously as a customer and that you are the focus of the company's actions!
Just a brief note about the products. Anyone who operates a marine aquarium knows the value they maintain in their aqua. Therefore, it is all the more important to dose things that you know do what they are supposed to do and a consistent quality is guaranteed. Therefore, trust in the manufacturer and the products is essential to operate this hobby with peace of mind. This trust has never been disappointed by TRITON in the eight years now, and I am sure... it never will be!